
UNMI and Seyna partner to address the health insurance crisis

Seyna and the UNMI team up to develop a new approach to risk management to face the health insurance turmoil.

UNMI and Seyna partner to address the health insurance crisis

The UNMI Group, an innovative mutualist actor, and Seyna, the insurance platform for insurance professionals, have joined forces to address the growing challenges in the health insurance market. Within one year, the collaboration has already launched five major programs and is working on a new approach to risk to transform the sector.

PARIS - May 21, 2024.

Challenges in the Health Insurance Market

The health insurance market has been under pressure for several years. Various regulations such as ANI health, the French “100% Santé” health coverage measures, and infra-annual termination clauses have shaken the principles of risk mutualization to its core. These changes require rapid and innovative adaptation from insurers.

For the UNMI Group, the main challenge has become mastering data to offer truly tailored solutions to its members' needs. Achieving technical balance by 2026 is a priority for the group. "It's a market that must change, that must evolve," explains Loredana Maïer, General Manager of the group.

A Strategic Partnership

Founded in 2019, the UNMI Group is unique as it brings together several insurance companies and Book II mutualist institutions. This model allows the group to offer specialized expertise in both health and provident insurance. Thanks to is capacity to insure individuals, independent contractors (TNS), and companies alike, UNMI benefits from a unique flexibility to meet market needs.

After meeting in April 2022, the UNMI Group and Seyna collaboration quickly led to promising synergies. Together, they have already launched five major programs for wholesale brokers, fully leveraging Seyna's speed and actuarial technology.

Patrick Ratta, Commercial Development Director, emphasizes: "Seyna is genuinely a differentiating actor in the insurance world today. We are dealing with a human-sized structure that moves quickly, with dynamic and committed employees."

A Three-Step Collaboration

The collaboration strategy between Seyna and the UNMI Group unfolds in three key stages:

  1. Building the specifications with the broker: This first phase defines the precise needs and objectives of the program.
  2. Presentation and validation by the insurer: Seyna then submits the project to the insurer for analysis and approval, which includes rigorous challenges and validations.
  3. Program management and monitoring: Once launched, the program is closely monitored to analyze results and make necessary adjustments.

The initial results of this collaboration are very encouraging. The programs align with business plans in terms of both contributions and business volume.

Results and Perspectives

The impact of this collaboration is already significant. In terms of contributions and financial results, Seyna and the UNMI Group have laid the foundation for a sustainable and promising economic model. Both entities are convinced of the sustainability and profitability of their partnership, as evidenced by the consistent progress of their joint projects.


About Seyna

Seyna empowers insurance brokers to grow their business. Seyna’s platform combines tailored insurance products and technology to unleash brokers’ time and creativity.Over 100 insurance brokers are already building their insurance business on Seyna, creating unique and personalized insurance experiences, from underwriting to claims handling. The platform automates administrative and compliance tasks, freeing up brokers’ time to spend with policyholders. Additionally, Seyna is built as an open infrastructure, enabling brokers to integrate new IT solutions, seamlessly.

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