Product updates - August 2022
"Summer is ending and August has been a pretty busy month at Seyna! In the last few months, we introduced a set of products dedicated to brokers. Check out what’s new below! "

Check-up: New dashboard is live
Check-up helps brokers to manage their compliance from one unique collaborative space. Today, we are happy to introduce a brand new dashboard, making collaboration with insurers more intuitive.
- Find a progress bar to track the advancement of your overall compliance
- Track your document's status: approved, on hold or rejected
- Access guides to be audit-ready

AML: Alerts land in your inbox
Set up your watched records and just relax. If a record gets an alert, Seyna AML will notify you by email. You don't even need to check in the app.
Learn more about AML

Sell: Quote management
Brokers, in addition to the online subscriptions, you can now sell insurance via quotes! Thanks to our customizable funnel, receive a quote request directly in Seyna with all information and documents provided by your new prospect.
Learn more about Seyna Sell